Music Classes

Private Lessons

Monday-Friday from 3-6 PM

Offered in Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drums, Violin. and Voice

30 or 60 Minute Lessons

Group Classes

Songwriting (Ages 13-18) - Tuesday, 5:30 - 7:00

Songwriting (Ages 18+) - Tuesday 7:00 - 8:30

Group Guitar (Ages 13-18) - Wednesday 6:00 - 7:00

Group Guitar (Ages 18+) - Wednesday 7:00 - 8:00

Group Music classes for the Fall semester will begin Tuesday October 29th, and run until December 13th.

Classes for the Winter Semester will begin January 6th and run until April 11th. Registration for the Winter Semester will open in December.

Classes run every week unless otherwise notified due to holidays or school closures. Students and Parents will be notified of any changes to weekly schedules by their class instructor.

Music Offerings

  • Private Lessons

    Private Lessons are offered once a week for 30 or 60 minutes. Private Lessons culminate in a recital at the end of each semester.

  • Studio Ensemble

    Studio Ensemble is a class offered to students ages 13 and up. It is an hour long group music lesson for up to 4 students who develop skills on their instrument and rehearse music together with an instructor. It provides the elements of a private lesson while also allowing students to develop their instrumental skills with peers, participating and collaborating on music together.

  • Group Classes

    Once a week classes are offered in Songwriting, Recorded Music, Guitar and Ukulele.

  • Advanced Music Program

    Students taking Private Lessons, or Group Classes may enroll in the Advanced Music Program, which includes an additional weekly seminar in Music education, and monthly workshops with guest artists.


  • Yes! On the registration form, select the multiple classes your student would like to register for.

  • Studio Ensemble is a class offered to students ages 13 and up, that provides musicians the opportunity to learn and develop skills on their instruments alongside their peers. It allows students a chance to work on group music, learn skills such as improvisation, and develop projects in collaboration with one another, under the guidance of an Arts Academy instructor.

  • For group classes, you are signing up for classes for the entire semester. Class semester dates are listed at the top of the Music page.

    For Private lessons and Studio Ensemble, you are signing up for ongoing lessons charged on a monthly basis.

  • For group classes, performances take place at the end of each semester. Performance dates will be announced to students and parents by class instructors.

    Songwriting and Recorded Music students have a showcase at the end of each semester, where their work will be presented to an audience for the first time. Showcase dates will be announced to students and parents by class instructors.

    All private lesson students take part in an annual recital, where they will present pieces they have been developing in lessons to their peers and audience members. Recital dates will be announced by private lesson instructors.

  • The Advanced Music program is offered to students ages 13 and up. It provides students with a holistic approach to their music education, supplementing weekly lessons and classes with seminars in subjects such as Music History, Music Theory, and Improvisation, It also allows students the opportunity to take part in monthly workshops with guest artists, to connect what they are learning with professional musicians and artists.