Fall Schedule 2024
The Fall Semester runs from October 15th through December December 13th.
The Winter Semester will begin January 6th and run through April 11th.
Classes run every week unless otherwise notified due to holidays or school closures. Students and Parents will be notified of any changes to weekly schedules by their class instructor.
Dance Programs
Dance Artistry Program
Offered to students in Ballet I-IV, the Arts Academy Dance Artistry Program includes two weekly classes, a weekly seminar in dance education, access to weekly open studio time (ages 13+), and access to monthly choreography workshops with both Arts Academy staff and guest artists.
Single Weekly Classes
Offered in Pre-Ballet, Creative Movement, Ballet I-IV, Modern, and Contemporary, Single Weekly Classes include one scheduled class time per week and access to weekly open studio sessions for students ages 13 and up.
Yes! On the registration form, select the classes your student would like to register for. If they would like to take two ballet classes, enroll in the Dance Artistry program for Ballet. If they would like to take two classes of varying styles, please select either multiple Single Weekly classes, or select the Dance Artistry ballet class with another Single Weekly class.
Open Studio Time is open supervised rehearsal time offered to students age 13 and up on a weekly basis. Students will have their choice between two open studio times to rehearse, and information on these times will be delivered during the first week of class by your class instructor.
The Dance Artistry Program offers students a holistic approach to their dance education, including two weekly dance classes, a weekly seminar in dance education, access to open studio time, and access to a monthly choreography workshop. It is recommended to young artists who are taking their dance very seriously, and want to invest additional time into their improving and growing.
When you sign up, you are enrolling in the entire semester worth of classes. Session dates for the Fall semester are October 15th - December 13th. Session dates for the Winter semester will be January 6th - April 11th. Winter Semester registration will begin in December.
Performances take place twice in each semester. A student showcase for parents and family members takes place halfway through each semester, and a full Arts Academy performance takes place in the Great Hall of St. Mary's Academy at the end of each semester. Class instructors will notify students and family members of these dates as they approach.